Conteno Smart PET bottling plants | Latest Posts Boxes
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Latest Posts Boxes

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Carefully crafted elements come together into one amazing design.

  • ContenO is a designer & manufacturer of Mobile Water Purification and Packaging Systems. ContenO produces Mobile Wat...

  • BLOWER-FILLER-CAPPER for PET bottles. Unique solution to produce (blow), to fill and close a PET bottle by a single mach...

  • BLOWER-FILLER-CAPPER for PET bottles. Unique solution to produce (blow), to fill and close a PET bottle by a single machine. Advantages: Plug & play Low energy consumption All-in-one Flexible: quick format change Compact

  • ContenO is a designer & manufacturer of Mobile Water Purification and Packaging Systems. ContenO produces Mobile Water Bottling Plant  ...